From The Kitchen At Canyon Keep #1: Sour Caulis Salad

From The Kitchen At Canyon Keep #1: Sour Caulis Salad

Everybody cooks in this house.  You probably realized that when you visited.  My father-in-law, Krush makes this salad often.  He says it cools and balances the body, and it is one of his favorites.  Knowing how much you love your fermented goodies, I thought you might like it, as well.  I think I have it translated into things you can acquire.  When you are enjoying it, think of me and know that I am happy here. Give my love to Appa, and save a generous dollop for yourself!

Ears of the Equi: Prototypes arrive (News)

Ears of the Equi: Prototypes arrive (News)

Overseen by one of our Editor/Photographers, the project for creating photoart for the inhabitants of Equus was begun last year when Blackrose FX Studio was contracted to make the complex Ears for the Equi and the Equi-Papilli hybrid characters in our story. With me inputting some customization tweaks, the final cosmetic Ears are being cast now.