Legacy of a Child Bride: Eridi’s Journal #7

Legacy of a Child Bride: Eridi’s Journal #7

I am so stupid! I mentioned to Anchoress Samarra that my mother fears she is drugging me, and I asked her if that was true. While I got a mollifying answer, I also got my mother beaten half to death. Samarra told my father. I half wish I could return to that place I was a few weeks ago – that comfortable place where everything Samarra told me felt like the truth, and I didn’t feel so divided in my thoughts and loyalties. I do know she is drugging… (MORE)

From The Kitchen At Canyon Keep #1: Sour Caulis Salad

From The Kitchen At Canyon Keep #1: Sour Caulis Salad

Everybody cooks in this house.  You probably realized that when you visited.  My father-in-law, Krush makes this salad often.  He says it cools and balances the body, and it is one of his favorites.  Knowing how much you love your fermented goodies, I thought you might like it, as well.  I think I have it translated into things you can acquire.  When you are enjoying it, think of me and know that I am happy here. Give my love to Appa, and save a generous dollop for yourself!