A Child’s Chant for Learning the Seasons
We have six seasons of sixty-four days
Each of them different in so many ways.
There’s icy Aellaeno, our Season of Storms
Then blustery Omphas, when babies are born.
Sweet Segens is next, it’s when everything grows
Then sun scorched Enalios, when the sailing wind blows.
In Oporens we harvest, preparing our keeps
For snow white Chionos, our season of sleep.
Days of the Week – a Schooling Chant
Hormigyre, starting day (Pretend to get ready for a race)
Humilgyre, low day (Bend toward the floor)
Drasterigyre, active day! (Pretend to go to market)
Scoligyre, turning day (Hands out, hop in a circle)
Hyphogyre, weaving day (Pretend to use loom and shuttle)
Hoplegyre, blacksmith’s day (Pretend to shoe a horse)
Hesychgyre, quiet day. (Sigh and close your eyes)
Hiergyre, sacred day. (Open your eyes and raise your hands.)